Dutch Rabbits


The Dutch

The Dutch Rabbit is an Old English Breed. Original forerunners of the breed came from Holland and were the classic black and white. The rabbits were known as “Hollanders” or “Brabanders”  indicating the Dutch origin. Historical references can be found back to the 18th century of rabbits fitting the Dutch’s description. The rabbits were initially a meat rabbit but became popular pet rabbits and are one of the first “fancy rabbit” breeds. The popularity has dwindled as the more “Mini” breeds have come into fad. Dutch rabbits are one of the color breeds with exacting standards. The rabbit should have a clear white blaze that is symmetrical rounding off the cheeks, a white “shirt” with it circularly wrapping evenly just past the shoulders, and two white stops on the rear legs above the toes and below the hocks even and symmetrical. It is the Rabbitry’s goal to be good will ambassadors and to keep the Dutch a good rabbit for pet and show. Dutch rabbits are sociable, crave human attention and should have interaction everyday to help alleviate boredom. Current ARBA standards allow for Black, Tortoise, Blue, Steel, Grey, Chinchilla and Chocolate. Golden was just added this year as an approved color.


Rex Rabbits

The Mini Rex

The Mini Rex is a relatively new breed. Recognized by ARBA in 1988. It is a purpose (meat/fur) breed. Like the Rex, it has luxurious fur that is soft to the touch and lacks guard hairs. It should have a compact solid body, erect ears matching the body size, and have a well rounded shoulder and hind quarters. It can come in a multitude of colors.